I am taking American Lit. to fulfill a requirement to finish my degree. When I am finished I will officially have my B.A. in Biblical Studies. Yay!!!! This is a big deal for me because I have been trying to do this for years. Many things have kept me from it of course... kids, finances, sickness, time to do it, etc... I LOVE to write and reading is a part of it, but I have never really enjoyed reading American Literature. I like this course because I am required to read selections and authors I wouldn't normally choose for myself. It has been very enlightening.
Blogging is not foreign to me. I have another blog I started when I was suffering from a really bad flare up. My old symptoms came back with a fierce vengance and I dropped almost 75 pounds in less than six months because I could hardly eat or drink anything. I wanted to have something else to focus on while I struggled through. My other blog focuses on how I pushed through my struggles, my family, and encouraging thoughts from the Bible. If you want to look at it you can find it at: www.leavingalegacyonline.com. It is more like a record of my journey to getting well. I am also working on writing a book. I want to take all the wasted years being sick and use them for good. The book will be a Bible Study on the life of Joseph using my life experiences to draw parallels. It's not done yet, but it has been a great positive focus for me while being sick. I want to call it, "Surviving Life's Mud Puddles." The picture above is something I might want to use for the cover. That picture alone has a story of its own. That's for sure!
Thank you for reading! I am looking forward to sharing all of my "literary after thoughts" with you.